Our School

Exam Results 2024

Summer GCSE Results 2024

As a proudly non selective school, in a highly selective educational are where our  vision is Unlocking Belief , we’re delighted that the initial indicators of the students outcomes are: 

  • Progress 8 of +0.51  (that should place us in the top 10% nationally of all schools)
  • Disadvantaged +0.27
  • 5 GCSEs 9-4 inc English and Maths 72.85%
  • 5 GCSEs 9-5 inc. English and Maths 46.36%

Every grouping of student came out with a positive P8 including:

  • Girls 0.3
  • Boys 0.45
  • SEND 0.73 (this must be one of the highest in the country)

77% of the 159 student cohort were entered for the EBacc of which:

  • 38% of entrants received the EBacc 9-4
  • 24% of entrants achieved EBacc 9-5

Students who did really well and will no doubt be celebrating include:

Nicola Szuba      eight 9’s , a 7 and a 6

Isabelle Pace      six 9’s three 8’s and a 7

Joel Manalody    four 9’s  four 8’s and a 7

Jakub Roginski    four 9’s , six 8’s , and a 6

Cameron Fyfe     two 9’s , six 8’s and two 7’s

Perase Thomas   three 9’s, five 8’s, and 7 and a 6

Annabell Lysiak   three 9’s , three 8’s, and two 6’s

Ethan Fernandes  three 9’s , two 8’s, two 7’s and three 6’s

Nikhill Wight         three 9’s, two 8’s, two 7’s and two 6’s

Ciran Stapleton , Head Teacher , said  “Once again the school is holding its own at the top end of the country’s progress figures – but the best schools should be judged on the most vulnerable children’s outcomes - especially those of EHCP who performed higher than the whole cohort”.

Ciran Stapleton, Headteacher, also said: “Today is a day for celebrating all the individual successes and achievements we have seen across the school. The many smiling faces are testament to our dedicated and talented students and our hardworking and caring staff".

“Behind nearly every grade sits a story of a student who has given their all to do their very best – and that is why we should celebrate the progress they have made as much as the brilliant results they have achieved. In short, they have blown all expectations out of the water and secured nearly half a grade higher (Progress 8 is estimated at +0.4) than national expectations in every exam sat".

Mr Stapleton added: “What I take a huge delight in is that it is not just those with the very top grades who are smiling today.

“Provisional data shows that our students who have additional needs have made between one and a half and two grades more progress than other students with SEND make nationally (Progress8 +0.73) . We think that this means that our results for those young people might be amongst the very best in the country.”

The school is part of the St Thomas Catholic Academy Trust, of which Joe Richardson is Strategic Executive Leader. He said: “It has been a fantastic few weeks for students at St Josephs.

“Last week students were celebrating a record number of the highest marks in their A Levels, and this is followed by a fantastic set of outcomes in GCSEs. The whole community should be immensely proud.”


Highest ever A*-B grades for St Joseph’s Sixth Form students

Superstar students at St Joseph’s Sixth Form College, part of St Thomas Catholic Academies Trust, are celebrating today after achieving the HIGHEST EVER number of A*-B A Level grades the school has seen outside of Covid grading.

These amazing results are, incredibly, an improvement on last year’s, which also saw students smash school records by tripling the number of A* A-Level grades received compared to the last external examination results in 2019. As a result, a record number of students are now heading to Russell Group universities.

Ciran Stapleton, Headteacher, said: “To say we are absolutely thrilled with this year’s results would be a huge understatement! The atmosphere today is incredible and staff, students and their families can’t stop smiling. We couldn’t be prouder.”

Departments that did particularly well included History, which is celebrating 100% of its students achieving A*-B grades. Students who took an Extended Project Qualification, an A-level standard standalone qualification designed to extend and develop students' abilities beyond the A-level syllabus, were also celebrating with 39% receiving A*-A grades.

Applied General BTEC students were also breaking school records with 80% achieving Distinction* - Merit level marks, a significant progression on previous years.

Some standout students and their grades include:

  • Victoria Sobala  - A*, A*, A, A, B
  • Max Ischuk  - A, A, A, A
  • Jasleen Kaur - A*, Distinction, Merit, Merit
  • Finlay Crowe - A*, A, B, B, C
  • Christopher Boyle – A, A, B, B
  • Nikola Metra – A, A, B, B
  • Liam Wilson – A, B, B
  • Mary Koroma - A*, Distinction*, B, B

The schools Head Boy, Chiadi Emekwuo, impressed with ABBC and will now be heading to Exeter to read Philosophy and Politics. Chiadi said: “I am overwhelmed and delighted with these results. All my results are above what I was predicted, and that is down to the huge amount of support I have had from the school.”

Mr Stapleton added: “As a genuinely non-selective school in a highly selective area, we are thrilled to bits with the achievements of our students. Their passion and enthusiasm for learning has paid off in spades and we wish them all the best in their undoubtedly very bright futures.”


And we’ve got the largest number of students going to Russell group of universities we’ve ever had!

Our students are going to Universities to read Law at Exeter, Nottingham, Reading (3), Bournemouth and Birmingham. Nursing at King’s College, London, Leeds, East Anglia and Southampton and as Apprentices. Accounting at Nottingham, Loughborough, Sussex, Oxford, Solent. Politics at Exeter and Royal Holloway, London. Computing at Reading (2), Bristol, Bournemouth. Psychology at Portsmouth, Reading and Royal Holloway, Geography at Reading, Chinese in Manchester, Sports management in Brighton, Economics at Southampton, Music at Bournemouth, English language at Brunel. Aerospace engineering at Bristol and Brunel for Marketing.

We wish them all the very best of luck.