Our School

Eucharist/Celebration of Mass


The Eucharist, known as the Mass is the source and summit of the Christian Life and the Sacrament of unity, deepening the communion of the faithful with Christ and with one another in Christ.  As a Catholic School we ensure that our school community has the opportunity to come together to celebrate Mass and this is done 5 times a year as a whole school community as well as every student attending a House Mass. St Joseph’s, from October, on the second Friday of the month there is an optional Mass for both staff and students during lunch.  Each Academic Year the whole school comes together to be part of the celebration of our patronal, St Joseph’s the Worker (May).  In addition to this, each year group has the opportunity to come together for the celebration of Mass on the Holy Days of obligation, Welcome Mass for Years 7 and sixth Form Mass.


All liturgies need not be identified with the celebration of the Eucharis.  We recognise the value of other forms of celebration and prayer.  This helps our staff and students prepare for and gives a deeper appreciation of the Eucharist and other sacramental celebrations.  Various liturgies and prayer opportunities are offered depending upon the season of the year, such as the Sacrament of Reconciliation, Ash Wednesday, Stations of the Cross and the Rosary as well as other events in the school calendar which offer a stimulating input of religious knowledge, moral content and time for reflection and prayer.


During the season of Lent the opportunity to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation is offered each year to all our students from Years 7- 13.  Accompanying these are services of Examination of Conscience & reflection.   In addition to this, every RE class is invited to the Chapel to experience a moment to take time out and leave behind the usual distractions to enter a time of reflection where prayer and scripture are central.


During the Lenten season, the Passion of our Lord Jesus Christ will be re-enacted by our senior students.  The Stations of the Cross are led by members of staff in the Chapel to all form groups. 


The Carol Concert is always a joyful occasion, enriched by the contributions from the whole school community: Staff, students and their families.  This always proves to be a very spiritual enriching experience and an excellent way to collaboratively conclude the term.


The Blessed Sacrament is placed in the tabernacle in the Chapel.  Everyone is welcome to be able to come and be in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament in the tabernacle.  There are times when a quiet space can be just what one needs.  The Chapel is a place to pray, to reflect and collect your thoughts.