To ensure students are given the skills, attributes and knowledge to keep themselves safe and healthy in an increasingly complex world.
The curriculum for PSHE in Year 7 is primarily focused on the transition from primary to secondary school. Students are encouraged to celebrate their uniqueness, value and dignity, which derive from God, and subsequently to recognise the respect they should have for themselves and others as persons. As well as this, there is an opportunity to learn skills and strategies to keep them safe as they become more active members of society. Students begin to explore citizenship and what it means to be a citizen. In careers students begin to explore employability skills and think about careers they may well like to do in the future.
Following on from Year 7 students in Year 8 will learn that science proves our uniqueness and becoming more aware of it can help us to open up to God who is the ground of our being and the One who loves us. Students are encouraged to reflect on the Protected Characteristics and how we can respect ourselves and everyone we encounter. The curriculum explores emotional and mental health and how drugs and alcohol can have an adverse effect on emotional and mental health. Students learn about government and democracy. Whilst in careers there is a focus on different types of employment and skills needed for certain careers in order to prepare students for making GCSE subject choices.
In Year 9 the curriculum explores the search for love that is part of human nature, but is not ultimately satisfied by another human being, however wonderful this may be. Students will learn that human love is a sign of the “greater love” of God. This leads to an exploration of the Church teaching of sex as a gift from God. Students will also focus on peer influence including the risks associated with gangs. There is a focus on law and its purpose in society. Students also learn skills and strategies to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Year 9 careers is all about setting short, medium and long term targets to help students work towards the career goals.
In the Year 10 curriculum student critically reflect on issues such as peer pressure, virginity, love, sex and responsibility, authentic freedom and the objective reality of sex. It also explores body image, body shame and the importance of controlling our sexual urges. There is a focus on mental health and learning strategies to help safeguard our mental wellbeing. Students are given an opportunity to explore the world of finance and learn about the importance of making sound financial decisions. Year 10 citizenship builds on studies from year 7, 8 and 9 with a focus on active citizenship.
In Year 11 students focus on the importance of self respect and human dignity. Students are given the opportunity to consider their own patterns or tendencies towards addiction. Topics such as Pornography, STIs and Coercive control are also further explored. In addition, students are taught skills and strategies to prepare them for GCSE exams including time management and revision tips. The curriculum also prepares students for post 16 with a focus on different types of further education, the application process for post 16 options, CV writing and career progression.
Rationale: The aim of our PSHE Programme is to enable students to develop holistically, support their transition to adult life and guide them from dependence to independence, by equipping students to improve themselves, the way they think and understand others by:
- improving their health & wellbeing
- helping them understand how to build positive relationships
- equipping them with the knowledge and skills to live in the wider world (academic literacy, economic wellbeing, careers and the world of work)
The course will be split into 5 units:
- Wellbeing for the Modern World
- Sex and Relationship Education
- Employability
- Living the Wider World
- Financial Literacy
Furthermore, it exists to promote pupils moral, social, spiritual and cultural development while increasing their self-confidence
In Year 12 our focus is initially on making a smooth transition in Post 16 study with a focus on health, relationship and wellbeing, financial literacy, and employability skills. It will provide the students with the capacity to learn independently, how to set and track their own academic/ future targets and to help them manage themselves and time more effectively.
In Year 13 students explore Financial Literacy in more depth, learning ways of being more financially savvy and wise. In addition to this student learn about citizenship in modern Britain by focusing on topics such as Online Citizenship, Fake news & Critical thinking, Climate change, and Free speech & Hate speech, Radicalisation and Independent living.
All our sixth form benefit from a range speakers and guests to inform and inspire them to achieve their potential as we seek opportunities that will further enrich our students beyond the scheduled programme.
For further information regarding PSHE please contact the following:
- Ms Jennifer Ossei-Brainoo (Head of PSHE) -