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Sixth Form Uniform Policy
The aim of our sixth form uniform policy is to contribute to a professional atmosphere, preparing students for life beyond sixth form. This means that we our students must be dressed smartly. Further, our sixth form pupils are role models and must lead our younger students in wearing the smartest of professional wear with the following items. We retain the right to review and update our policy according to the best interests of the school community.
- White blouse or shirt – shoulders must be covered and no t-shirts.
- Tie in their house colour (which can be purchased for £5 from the school reception) for gentlemen.
- A black, grey or blue suit.
- A blazer at all times.
- Black/grey/navy smart trousers – no leggings or denim.
- Black/grey skirt – this must be knee length.
- Smart Jumper may be worn but this is in addition to, and not replace, the blazer. This must be white/black/grey & not including turtle/roll neck or any patterns.
- Smart black or brown shoes (not boots) – trainers must not be worn inside the school building or during lesson time at any point. If a student does not have their school shoes, we will ask that they change into school plimsolls. A medical note from a doctor must be provided where shoes cannot be worn.
- No chains, bracelets, necklaces or pendants visible.
- Headbands must be white/black/grey/red and plain.
- No leather, denim or fur to be worn at any point.
Outside attire– coat, anorak or jacket in dark colours (no denim, no leather, no leopard print, fur, tracksuit tops or hoodies). Scarves that are plain and dark. Outside attire must be removed once inside the building (this includes coats, scarves and sunglasses).
Hair, make up and piercings – all hairstyles and colours must be professional (this excludes extreme colours and cuts, such as lines in eyebrows and hair). Nails and make up must be professional (i.e. short and no long nails including acrylics) and piercings may be only one set of stud style earrings in each ear. No additional piercings are allowed.
Incorrect uniform – any uniform that is deemed incorrect will be asked to be changed or confiscated – in some cases, students may be sent home to change – if in doubt, please speak to your Head of Year in advance.
Instances (or repeated instances) of poor uniform will be sanctioned in line with our school behaviour policy.
ID and Lanyard - all St Joseph’s Sixth Formers will also be provided with a lanyard and an ID Badge that will be used for signing in and out. Students must sign in and out using their ID daily – this is essential for site safety and failure to do so will be sanctioned in line with our school behaviour policy.